bee and you office set
    bee and you office set
bee and you office set
bee and you office set
    bee and you office set
bee and you office set

Bu kolleksiyanın əsasını qatqılardan və dolduruculardan azad olan yüksək keyfiyyətli üzvi inqrediyentlərdən istifadə etmək öhdəliyimiz təşkil edir.

Çiy balın sakitləşdirici qucağından Anadolu propolis ekstraktının qoruyucu gücünə qədər "Ofis Dəsti"nin hər bir komponenti canlılığınızı təmin etmək üçün diqqətlə seçilmişdir.


Bu kolleksiyanın əsasını qatqılardan və dolduruculardan azad olan yüksək keyfiyyətli üzvi inqrediyentlərdən istifadə etmək öhdəliyimiz təşkil edir.

Çiy balın sakitləşdirici qucağından Anadolu propolis ekstraktının qoruyucu gücünə qədər "Ofis Dəsti"nin hər bir komponenti canlılığınızı təmin etmək üçün diqqətlə seçilmişdir.

Vitamins by Bee and You


Ofis Dəsti

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Office Set: Natural Support for Office Workers

The Office Set offers a holistic approach to maintaining health and well-being in the workplace. This thoughtfully curated set includes products designed to boost immunity, enhance energy levels, and alleviate stress, making it an essential companion for office workers.

What's Inside the Office Set?

Royal Jelly Bee Pollen Propolis Pills

Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these pills are formulated to support overall health. They help bolster the immune system, improve mental clarity, and sustain energy throughout the day.

Propolis Water Soluble

A versatile supplement that can be easily added to drinks, Propolis Water Soluble is known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It supports immune function and helps in maintaining general well-being.

Propolis Raw Honey Throat Spray

Perfect for soothing a sore throat or boosting immunity on the go, this throat spray combines the natural benefits of raw honey and propolis. It's a convenient solution to keep you feeling your best, even during long meetings or busy workdays.

Benefits of the Office Set

  • Immune Support: Each product in this set is rich in natural compounds that strengthen the immune system, helping you stay healthy and resilient.
  • Energy Boost: The natural ingredients work together to enhance your energy levels, ensuring you remain focused and productive throughout your workday.
  • Stress Relief: Propolis and royal jelly have calming properties that can help reduce stress and improve your overall mood.

The Office Set is your go-to solution for staying healthy and energized in the office. Embrace the power of nature with this comprehensive set and experience the difference in your daily work life.



Recommended Usage Instructions

  • Royal Jelly Bee Pollen Propolis Tablets: Take as directed on the packaging. These tablets are rich in essential nutrients and can be taken daily to support overall health and immunity.
  • Propolis Water Soluble Drops: Add several drops to your beverage of choice for an added boost throughout the day. Propolis is known for its antioxidant properties and can help maintain immune health.
  • Propolis Raw Honey Throat Spray: Use as needed for throat comfort and immune support. Ideal for soothing dryness and supporting respiratory health, especially during busy office hours.


Storage and Safety

Ensure the products are stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain their potency and effectiveness. Check for any allergies to bee products before use, and if you have any concerns or are pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult with a healthcare professional.

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