apitera plus kids 210g 1
apitera plus kids 210g 2
    apitera plus kids 210g 1
    apitera plus kids 210g 2
apitera plus kids 210g 1
apitera plus kids 210g 2
apitera plus kids 210g 1
apitera plus kids 210g 2
    apitera plus kids 210g 1
    apitera plus kids 210g 2
apitera plus kids 210g 1
apitera plus kids 210g 2

Apitera Plus Kids is the perfect blend to boost your kid's energy. Made with Royal Jelly, Honey and Propolis.


Apitera Plus Kids is the perfect blend to boost your kid's energy. Made with Royal Jelly, Honey and Propolis.

Honey by Apitera

Apitera Plus kids 210g

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Apitera Plus Kids can be consumed by children aged 4-10 years, up to approximately 1 teaspoon or 2 teaspoons (9 grams) per day. The product is not suitable for consumption by children under 4 years old. It is recommended to consult a physician before consumption by children with allergies/sensitivity to bee products or those with chronic diseases.



Maximum 5 pieces of this product can be ordered. Balparmak reserves the right to cancel orders over 5 units.

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