Chocolate Hazelnut Paste With Honey
    Chocolate Hazelnut Paste With Honey
Chocolate Hazelnut Paste With Honey
Chocolate Hazelnut Paste With Honey
    Chocolate Hazelnut Paste With Honey
Chocolate Hazelnut Paste With Honey

Chocolate honey hazelnut paste is an ideal formula for individuals who avoid refined sugar consumption. Instead of using chocolate directly, Wefood uses ground cocoa beans, which have higher nutritional value, in their chocolate honey hazelnut paste. In addition, hazelnuts are grinded slowly without applying very high heat in order to preserve their nutritional value.




Chocolate honey hazelnut paste is an ideal formula for individuals who avoid refined sugar consumption. Instead of using chocolate directly, Wefood uses ground cocoa beans, which have higher nutritional value, in their chocolate honey hazelnut paste. In addition, hazelnuts are grinded slowly without applying very high heat in order to preserve their nutritional value.



Nut Butters by Wefood

Wefood Chocolate Hazelnut Paste With Honey

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What Does Chocolate Honey Hazelnut Butter Do?

  • It offers a reliable alternative for celiac patients, athletes, ketogenic dieters and other consumer groups adopting a variety of targeted diets. It provides a delicious and effective consumption for breakfasts, snacks and sweet getaways.

How Does Chocolate Honey Hazelnut Paste Contribute to Nutrition With Its Properties?

  • When the chocolate honey hazelnut paste is considered in terms of nutritional value, it is a product with high energy value that contains the basic components needed by the body. The product that combines the properties of hazelnut, honey and cocoa beans; In addition to having a low carbohydrate value of about 35 percent, hazelnut provides a rich consumption of good fat components and protein. Hazelnut is known for being an effective source of antioxidants as well as fat and protein. In addition, cocoa and honey are natural ingredients rich in this regard.


Check the label for potential allergens, especially if you have nut allergies. Hazelnuts are a common allergen, and some individuals may also be allergic to other ingredients like honey.



Store the Chocolate Hazelnut Paste in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Stir it before use if oil separation occurs, as natural nut butters tend to separate over time.

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