
"The Nakkaş Cone is the perfect accessory to elevate your home decor. Designed in a large size, this cone is adorned with a beautiful yellow color. Its intricate detailing features the names of Allah, Esma-ül Hüsna, adding a spiritual touch to any room. Upgrade your space with the Nakkaş Cone."


"The Nakkaş Cone is the perfect accessory to elevate your home decor. Designed in a large size, this cone is adorned with a beautiful yellow color. Its intricate detailing features the names of Allah, Esma-ül Hüsna, adding a spiritual touch to any room. Upgrade your space with the Nakkaş Cone."

Home Decor by Nakkaş Boytu

Nakkaş Cone

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Details of Our Cone Size Product

1) Stop Circle:
We created the stall circle, which we decorated with herbal patterns, by adding crystal stones.

2) Body:
We engraved Esma'ül Hüsna on the body we created from a stylized pine cone form.

3) Esma'ul Husna:
Esma'ül Hüsna, which consists of the words esma, which is the plural of the name, and husna, meaning "beautiful, the most beautiful".
It refers to the names attributed to Allah Almighty.
On the cone; for the Esma'ül Hüsna that we have engraved, in the Aklam-ı Sitte (Six Articles)
We preferred the Naskh script and used crystal stones to decorate the spaces between the stamps.

4) Pedestal:
We engraved the word Allah (cc) in Thuluth script on the base, which we decorated with a blend of floral motifs.
We preferred crystal stones as an auxiliary element in the decoration of this area.

We attributed the remaining gaps to other names of our Lord...

Pinecone Size Dimensions of Our Product

Large Size Pinecone Size Measurements
Height 24cm
width 11cm
Weight 1900g

Medium Size Pinecone Size Measurements

Height 19cm
width 8cm
Weight 870g

Small Size Pinecone Size Measurements

Height 16cm
width 7cm
Weight 560g



*Our products get their durable structure from their raw material, polyester.
*Coloration was done with paints containing metal pigments.
*We decorated it with crystal stones.
*We send the products you have purchased in the original box we designed specifically for the product.


To preserve the original color of Nakkaş Boytu products:
Wipe your product only with a dry cloth without rubbing.
Do not use wet wipes, cologne, alcohol disinfectant, etc.


The design of all our products belongs to Nakkaş Boytu and is protected by Design Registration.


Nakkaş Boytu products are 100% domestic production from design to manufacturing.

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