Turkish Coffee Benefits and Side Effects

April 04, 2024
Turkish Coffee Benefits and Side Effects
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In a world of strong aroma and powerful taste, Turkish coffee saves a steady seat with no real competitors battling. 

Turkish coffee is the source of energy and a good choice to start the day. But one can’t overlook the “too much of anything is good for nothing”, leaving a big space to talk about how it can affect your body.

So, if you’re a Turkish coffee lover, dive into this article with us. We will cover a wide scoop of Turkish coffee benefits and side effects with a comprehensive understanding that will be a great source for your inquiries.


Turkish Coffee Benefits and Side Effects:

Shedding light on what Turkish coffee includes from health benefits and possible side effects is necessary for grasping how coffee interferes with human health.

Health Benefits of Turkish Coffee

These magical brown grounds are crowded with antioxidants. Natural defensive systems that shelter the body from many damages could be caused by the act of what is called free radicals in types of chronic diseases like cancer and heart functional failure.

The more roasted the beans get, the more they get filled with antioxidants.


Most of us tend to prepare a plate of different kinds of fruits as a snack or natural desserts to provide our bodies with the vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy diet. The same goes for small shots of roasted Turkish coffee, it has a fair amount of potassium and magnesium advantageous in smooth movements of muscles and well-being.

Metabolism regulating:

For those who want to lose some undesired weight, Turkish coffee is an excellent choice for consideration. A plain cup every day contributes effectively to the burning fats process, accelerating the metabolism action and helping the body regain its initial shape.

Caffeine affect:

It’s hard to imagine a professional workspace or company without having a coffee corner or a coffee machine. Coffee is a pillar in such places; employees would rather perform twice as hard and focused when coffee is presented in the morning.

Turkish coffee contains the caffeine amount needed for better performance and stimulation.

Emotions relief:

Studies showed that the moderation of Turkish coffee consumption plays a crucial role in boosting psychological health by lowering the levels of hormones causing stress, depression, and other anxiety.

Therefore, it’s better to welcome the new morning with the pure aroma of Turkish beans, and then get back to what life has to offer you on this day.

Avoiding neurological diseases:

Picking up the worth of antioxidants and caffeine content, it demonstrated that some neurological diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and amnesia can be averted if the human body is supplied with dark coffee content.

Turkish Coffee VS. Regular Coffee:

Away from the name and the story beyond, Turkish coffee has shown different aspects that vary it from any other kind of coffee.

1.The size of bean grind:

One of the things that specializes in Turkish coffee is that the grind is finely crushed to a very particular size, more like a powder. This process allows the coffee to dissolve in water while brewing.

On the other hand, regular coffee is simpler in demand. The grind varies in size, so it doesn’t require to be fully ground compared to the size of Turkish coffee’s grind.

Being reasonably bigger allows the process of preparing regular or daily coffee to go smoothly during the filtration step, as the grind gets stuck in filter parts and only liquid passes through. 


Turkish coffee reveals a bold and strong taste, usually equalized by adding sugar and serving sweets and traditional delights to balance the potent flavor.

Regular coffee has different factors affecting taste and texture, like the type of coffee beans and roast level of them.


Turkish coffee depends on exposing the bean grind dissolved in water to low heat to complete its brewing just before boiling state, then the creamy combination of liquid coffee, residual grind, and foam is poured all together in a small cup with no filtration.

This is what characterizes Turkish coffee the most but it also shows a lot of debate about its benefits and side effects on health.


Regular coffee revolves around steeping the coffee grind in hot water then filtering the ground from liquid and getting rid of it.

Turkish coffee and regular coffee: caffeine content comparison:

If you are interested in studying the full profile of Turkish coffee benefits and side effects, then you have to keep in mind the caffeine amount found in a Turkish coffee cup compared to the same cup as regular coffee.

The average amount of caffeine found in classic Turkish coffee is about 165 mg in a 100 ml cup size. This shows that the amount here is approximately twice more than what is found in a regular cup of coffee, revealing only 95 mg of caffeine.

What is the best Turkish coffee?

Choosing Turkish coffee, in particular, means that you are in a need of strong taste to freshen up your senses, and leave a special memory in that moment with a powerful drink holding as much traditions and history as it could in one cup.

But, there are so many options, how can you decide?

Simply, set your priorities and let your soul decide. we will list down some of the best Turkish coffee brands and types found in Turkey to clear the way for making the proper outcome.


  1. Tahmis Kahvesi

Tahmis is one of the finest coffee brands in Turkey, its history goes back to a famous coffee house 400 years ago, showing the culture of coffee and the rituals within. 


Tahmsi Kahvesi presents 8 different flavors of coffee, each of them having its unique pleasure and natural aroma.


Check Tahmisi Kahve's wide collection at EFENDINA and choose the flavor your mind calls for.


      2. Tarihi Dibek Coffee

The name refers to a preparation method, which originated from the device used in grinding the coffee beans “Dibek”. It’s basically a stone mortar, recognizable for producing finely made coffee grind.


It can be flavored by adding spices and ground nuts to sweeten it.


       3. Shazel

Shazel is a Turkish company that began in 2016 in Antakya, Turkey. The brand is known for the high quality it presents and the diverse coffee types varying from traditional Turkish coffee to espresso and instant coffee, and even free caffeine products like the menengic coffee.


This type is practical for those who can’t endure high doses of caffeine or even show allergic symptoms to it, but at the same time, they want to enjoy the experience of a creamy texture classical drink. 


Does Turkish Coffee have side effects?

With no doubt, devouring anything with higher excess can lead to harmful consequences. Even if this substance embraces numerous benefits, everything has two sides for those who are not careful in usage.


Admitting that Turkish coffee suppresses many advantages, it’s critical to list the disadvantages it may provoke.

Side effects of Turkish Coffee:

Digestive problems:

Enjoying a cup of coffee in the early morning as advised previously can be the stimulator for awakening and alerting for senses, but consuming it on an empty stomach is a contrariwise aftermath.


Coffee is a strong substance, it needs to be combined with nutritious food to navigate its reaction positively. Having it on an empty stomach will cause acid reflux that leads to a discomfort feeling of heartburn. Some cases end up with outcomes such as stomach ulcers.


Sleeping Disorders:

The proper guidance for drinking Turkish coffee is to have it at least five hours apart before sleep. The dose of caffeine at night will prevent the body from relaxation and calmness needed to rest the mind and muscles.


Blood pressure elevating:

Overconsuming caffeine can lead to a higher heart rate and, in succession, generate higher blood pressure, compelling risks to those with heart problems and blood pressure inconvenience.

Tips for Turkish coffee consumption:

The key to mastering the equation is sticking to balance. You can still enjoy the privilege of strong Turkish coffee with all its benefits and still avoid the side effects we talked about.

One or three cups at most of Turkish coffee per day in the early morning is associated with continental meals to maximize profit and dodge harm if not one complaint from any heart or blood diseases.

Make sure the ground beans are fresh and high quality, and choose trusted suppliers who obtain their goods from the origin.

Efendina provides a collection of superb types of Turkish coffee with various flavors, explore the premium blends at Efendina.com

What is special about Turkish coffee? 

What makes Turkish coffee a unique kind of drink comes from its name and the vibes it administers. When thinking of the types of coffee out there, you find names that represent the difference in making coffee or addings being combined with the beans. But, Turkish coffee is another matter.


Turkish coffee reveals a culture, it speaks the history of exploring the beans and rituals in serving it as a traditional welcoming drink in many countries.


Exactly as the picture comes first in your mind when hearing the word “Turkish coffee”, you imagine it being poured into an elegant cup decorated with symbols of the Ottoman Empire with a strong aroma and thick foaming floating smoothly on top.


And one of the strongest features of Turkish coffee is its benefits and side effects it has on health, making it a subject for attention and discussion.


It didn’t end here, every part of Turkish coffee lays a distinctive touch that is so special and uncommon. By drinking the magical cup content, your story takes a seat at the bottom, dark and fine grounds perform a tale of your future, and what days are holding for you. 


The kind of story a fortune teller will tell about you from the shape of your cup. In this way, Turkish coffee bonds the enjoyment and entertainment you have in this small drink.


How to prepare traditional Turkish coffee?

There is an art reflection in the process of making a cup of Turkish coffee, as it speaks the history of the majestic country. Going through the actual steps with your own hands relishes the intimate feeling of coziness and calmness. 


Let us walk you on this journey


  1. For the grind, it’s better to buy it especially for Turkish coffee making. Some people have fun in getting the beans at a whole size and have it done grinding at home, but this won’t work in Turkish coffee cases.


Fine grinds won’t be simply made by home tools, it requires an efficient grinder rather than a manual or mild powerful home grinder.


At this stage, it’s preferable to make a wise call on choosing the coffee type. 


On the assumption that you’re a coffee addict, but you are suffering from some problems with high doses of caffeine that can affect your health badly, with this condition you would want to revise some precautions and know more about the Turkish coffee benefits and side effects. 


This will give you a hint on determining the purchase and selecting the type of Turkish coffee your body tolerates, like some low-caffeine or caffeine-free coffee.

  1. After choosing the coffee brand you like with or without natural flavors, it’s time to choose your pot for the magical process.


Preferring classical copper pot, or as it is called “cezve” is not only for living the experience, actually the design, shape, and material all in once apply the perfect technique for spreading the heat equally over the pot, and allowing it to form the charismatic creamy foam on top.


  1. At last, you get all the ingredients in the copper pot to get ready for heating. Add 2 teaspoons of coffee grind to the pot, followed by the amount of sugar you prefer.

As for the liquid, traditional Turkish coffee is made with water only to have the strong aroma it’s known for, but some people lighten it up with a small dash of milk to decrease the sour taste a little.

Fill the cup with cold water then stir the coffee and sugar in water to help it get spread through water molecules.


  1. The mix is ready, so it’s time to apply the heat. If you're looking for a full Turkish experience, you can place the pot on heated sand and let it be the old way.

 but if this isn’t available, the stove will be fine, just apply low heat below it and observe the brewing process so it doesn’t reach boiling.

  1. Generally, Turkish coffee is served in small elegant classic cups without filtering the sediment of the coffee grind.

The texture of Turkish coffee is more dense than regular coffee and other types due to the non-filtration step. Whereas the advantages of antioxidants and multivitamins included in coffee grind residuals make it fruitful in many ways, yet, the condensed layer compels individuals to consider Turkish coffee benefits and side effects from all directions properly.

Ways to enjoy Turkish coffee?

Turkish coffee is more than a drink, it represents the moment of quietness and peace you seek during different situations in your day, so make it count.

  • Get caught in the adventure of backing in time with sultans and pour the coffee into a tiny decorated cup, just as it was served in its special era.
  • Treat yourself with deliciouslike “Baklava” to create a moment of great mix between sweet and rich bitterness.
  • Enhance the taste by adding convenient spices like cardamom or cloves and enjoy the fascinating aroma.


Merging Turkish coffee into a lifestyle is both beneficial and delightful. Understanding the aspects of Turkish coffee benefits and side effects leads to better consumption.

It has the principles to start a good day with energy and motive, besides being a tasty drink to share some quality time alone or with close ones.

All needed to know is how to get it from credible sources, and apply it properly in a healthy pattern, and be sensible to side effects caused by extreme handling.


Is Turkish coffee healthy or not?

Turkish coffee is often served unfiltered, this enhances its ability to boost the benefits in reducing the possibility of some diseases, Aside from being a highly energetic supplier. Yet, it’s important to consider individual tolerance to caffeine and observe the consumption pattern.

Can I drink Turkish Coffee every day?

If you’re not complaining of heart disease or any blood disorders, or showing insensitivity to strong doses of caffeine. It’s advisable to have one cup of Turkish coffee during daylight as a stimulus for energy along with a balanced meal. 

How much Turkish coffee is healthy per day?

For adults with no health conditions, it would be good to come around three or four cups of Turkish coffee, only if it’s consumed within the daylight and not on an empty stomach, and with no excess sugar.

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