toprak st john wort 20g
    toprak st john wort 20g
toprak st john wort 20g
toprak st john wort 20g
    toprak st john wort 20g
toprak st john wort 20g

Experience Peace of Mind with St. John Wort. This natural supplement harnesses the power of nature to reduce anxiety and stress.


Experience Peace of Mind with St. John Wort. This natural supplement harnesses the power of nature to reduce anxiety and stress.

Herbs by Toprak Doğal

Toprak Doğal St.John wort 20g

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John's wort is called 'hypericum perforatum' in medicine. Among the people; It is also known as wound grass, sword grass, blood grass, lamb cracker, binbirdelik grass and mayasil.

St. John's Wort is widely grown in the Balkans and European cities, as well as in our country. It is mostly found in the fields, roads and forest edges in Kaz Mountains and our Aegean region.



  1. 250gr dried St. John's Wort grass is put into 4 liters of water and boiled until 2 liters remain.
  2. After it is filtered, it is placed in a glass jar and left outside (outside your house, balcony, window edge) for 1 night.
  3. Then it is put in the refrigerator, half a tea glass is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning and evening and wait for 2 hours before eating.
  4. It is recommended to continue for at least 21 days.


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